本文共 1813 字,大约阅读时间需要 6 分钟。
digoal=# create table tbl (id int primary key, info text);CREATE TABLETime: 25.762 msdigoal=# insert into tbl select generate_series(1,10000),'test';INSERT 0 10000Time: 32.397 msdigoal=# select correlation from pg_stats where schemaname='public' and tablename='tbl' and attname='id'; correlation ------------- 1(1 row)Time: 2.648 ms
digoal=# truncate tbl;TRUNCATE TABLETime: 34.648 msdigoal=# insert into tbl select trunc(random()*100000),'test' from generate_series(1,100000) group by 1,2;INSERT 0 63321Time: 332.371 msdigoal=# select correlation from pg_stats where schemaname='public' and tablename='tbl' and attname='id'; correlation ------------- 0.0047608(1 row)Time: 1.476 ms
digoal=# select split_part(ctid::text, ',', 1) from tbl where id between 1 and 100 group by 1 order by 1; split_part ------------ (0 (1 (103 (127 (130 (132 (134 (135 (139 (14 (143 (151 (157 (160 (164 (178 (180 (188 (189 (201 (203 (204 (22 (223 (238 (270 (272 (274 (275 (310 (314 (327 (33 (330 (334 (337 (37 (38 (40 (49 (51 (53 (60 (63 (75 (78 (8 (87 (88 (90(50 rows)在执行cluster后, 使用索引扫描的话 只需要扫描1个数据块. 可以大大降低范围查询的HEAP block扫描量.
digoal=# cluster tbl using tbl_pkey;CLUSTERTime: 198.924 msdigoal=# analyze tbl;ANALYZETime: 15.418 msdigoal=# select correlation from pg_stats where schemaname='public' and tablename='tbl' and attname='id'; correlation ------------- 1(1 row)Time: 1.327 msdigoal=# select split_part(ctid::text, ',', 1) from tbl where id between 1 and 100 group by 1 order by 1; split_part ------------ (0(1 row)